Contact Us
Headteacher: Mr James Rogers
Deputy Headteachers: Mrs Sara Allan and Mrs Kerry Redman
SENCO: Mrs A Bryant Berkin
Chair of Governors: Mr David Faulkner
School Address:
Ingrave Johnstone Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
Brentwood Road
CM13 3NU
For more information about our school please contact the school office and speak to Mrs Crawley or Mrs Hart.
Telephone Number: 01277 810218
If your family require hard copies of any documents on our website please contact the school office.
School Opening Times (Term Time only and excludes public holidays and inset days):
Office: Monday to Friday 8am till 4pm
Children: Monday to Friday 8:40 am till 3:15 pm
Children will be in school for 32 hours and 55 minutes per week