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Special Educational Needs

Welcome to the Special Educational Needs page!

The Annual Information Report for Special Educational Needs at Ingrave Johnstone and the SEN Policy are available to view by clicking the green tab on this page. Further policies are available in the policy section of the website under the Statutory Information tab.

Please note that 'SEN' refers to 'special educational needs and disabilities' on this website.

If you require further information, please contact the school office on 01277 810218 and arrange to speak to the Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO), Mrs A. Bryant Berkin.
Mrs Bryant Berkin is available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

There are also useful links below which may help you find what you are looking for, including mental health support.

Links to Local SEN Information:

  • Essex County Council's Local Offer for SEN  Please click the link to the Local Offer of Essex's services.
  • SNAP Brentwood Charity Please click the link to visit the local charity SNAP's website, where you can find local support and advice for a variety of needs.
  • Essex SENDIASS  Please click the link to access information on Essex's 'Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service' (SENDIASS) to support parents and carers of children with SEN.
  • Essex TLC Please click the link to access Essex's 'Talk, Listen, Cuddle' page for advice on communication skills to give children the best start in life. There are suggestions from birth up until children start school.
  • Essex Map Please click the link to access a directory of information for support for families across Essex.
  • Essex Local Offer Parent/Carer Support Groups Please click the link to access Essex's Local Offer page with links to pages for support for parents, carers and families of children with additional needs.
  • Supporting Your Neurodiverse Child Please click to view a guide for parents and carers from Essex Family Forum on how to help support a child with additional needs.
  • Essex Wellbeing Service Please click the link to access the homepage for Essex Wellbeing Service.
  • Essex Family Forum Please click the link to access support and information from EFF, who represent parent views and experiences and inform local services of these views.
  • Essex Families in Focus Please click the link to access information from the local charity, Families in Focus, who work with families with children with SEN, help explain the different support pathways available such as EHCPs, and also run clubs for those with SEN across Essex.
  • Chicken and Frog's monthly autism session for parents and carers Please click the link to access information about the local bookshop, Chicken and Frog's, monthly session for parents and carers about autism.
  • Essex TLC's Going to School guide Please click the link to see the advice from Essex's Talk, Listen Cuddle strategy on being school-ready.
  • NHS NELFT's Occupational Therapy School Life skills Please click the link to access information from the NHS about different skills to develop for participating in school life.
  • NHS NELFT's Occupational Therapy Understanding Sensory Processing Please click the link to access information from the NHS Occupational Therapy team for advice around various areas of sensory processing, including feeding, ear defenders, masking, meltdowns and toileting.
  • Autism Central Essex Support Please click the link to access support for autism, including an up-to-date list of upcoming events run by Autism Central for additional needs such as toileting, eating, anxiety and early language.
  • Essex Adult Learning Courses (ACL) Please click the link to access free community and family learning workshops for parents, carers, grandparents and families to access, across a range of needs to support at home, such as managing big emotions, managing anger at home, anxiety and wellbeing (amongst many others).

Guidance about One Plans and Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)

Links to Other SEN-Related Information:

  • Government Guide for SEN Please click the link to access a guide produced by the Department for Education to help parents and carers understand how SEN systems work. Pages 19-20, 30-32 and 47-55 are most useful for primary aged children.
  • Special Needs Jungle Please click the link to visit the Special Needs Jungle advice website, offering support from a network of parents and carers of children with a variety of special needs.
  •  IPSEA Please click the link to access the website of the Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (IPSEA), who offer free and legally based information to support children with special needs.
  • SEND Station Please click the link to access training and support for families about a variety of different needs. Please note that the website may charge for some of the listed online support sessions.
  • ADHD Foundation's Resource Page Please click the link to access a range of support from the ADHD Foundation, for neurodiversities including ADHD, Tourette's Syndrome, autism and other diagnoses.
  • Brave Parents Charity Please click the link to access information and support for the wellbeing for parents of children with complex needs.
  • NHS Learning to Talk Please click the link to access information on developing speech and communication skills in children aged three to five.
  • BBC's Tiny Happy People Language Development Please click the link to access the BBC's Tiny Happy People language activities for 4-5 year olds, including ideas for activities and games to try at home to support language development.
  • National Autistic Society Please click the link to access a guide to discussing an autism diagnosis with your child.
  • Autism Education Trust Please click the link to access a short video and definition of autism.

Website Pages and Links for Support for Mental Health and Wellbeing

  • NHS Every Mind Matters Please click the link to access support from the NHS for mental health support for children and families.
  • Crisis Messenger support from Anna Freud Please click the link for information on how to access support during a crisis - it is a free, confidential text message support service for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope.
  • Mind Please click the link to access the Mind charity's website with lots of resources to support mental health and wellbeing in children and young people.
  • Anxiety Tips Please click the link to access ideas to help support when anxiety feels overwhelming. (credit: Professor Jacqui Rodgers).

Links to educational websites can be found under the Curriculum tab.


Please see below some useful documents from both school and Essex Local Authority to refer to: